The Launch of the Finland-Africa Platform for Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG9) (Innovation) was organized at the University of Turku between 26th and 27th of August 2019. The collaboration and the MoU (Memorandum of understanding) agreement between university of Turku
UTU Tanzania team and four Tanzanian universities developing geospatial expertise to control risks posed by floods and climate change.

In the Resilience Academy project (web page under construction) UTU Tanzania Team together with four Tanzanian universities is tackling the challenges faced by cities in Tanzania by developing three components: Climate Risk Database using Geonode service Open-access education materials regarding
The report on the participatory mapping tools in official VLUP process in Tanzania is out now!

A report on the participatory mapping tools in official village land use planning process in Tanzania is out now! The report is published together by UTU Tanzania team and Private Forestry Programme and it lays out step by step The
Our research on participatory mapping yields tools for official land use planning in Tanzania

Throughout 2017 UTU Tanzania team co-developed a practitioners’ manual on participatory mapping tools for official village land use planning in Tanzania. Finally early this April the manual was presented and refined in a three-day stakeholder workshop. The workshop gathered together over 40 Tanzanian land use
New project GEO-ICT started
We have received funding from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (HEI-ICI programme) for a project “Geospatial and ICT capacities in Tanzanian Higher Education Institutions (Geo-ICT)”. The project is about improving the quality of higher education and research environment
Geospatial Collaboration Supports Business Development in Tanzania
Tanzania offers Finnish geospatial companies a possibility to become international and to create new services. At the same time, the companies take sustainable business to Tanzania and support the development of local business culture. The University of Turku is
Geospatial Business Ecosystem project has started with three Finnish companies
Geospatial business ecosystem in Tanzania (GESEC) is a project consortium of University of Turku (UTU) and three Finnish geospatial companies: Arbonaut Oy, Dimenteq O and Vionice Oy and their business and academic partners in Tanzania. The project is implemented through